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経営企画課 最終更新日:2007年03月13日/記事閲覧カウント:3571
トップページ > 生涯学習と国際交流 > 国際交流 > Human Rights Counselling for Non-Japanese(English)


Human Rights Counselling for Non-Japanese

If you suffer inconveniences in your life in Japan because you are not familiar with the Japanese legal system, or are troubled by human rights violations such as discriminatory treatment, please do not hesitate to consult with our human rights counseling.
The Fukuoka Legal Affairs Bureau aims to assist foreigners suffering from problems related to human rights such as racism, employment, housing, marriage, domestic violence, divorce, naturalization, immigration, etc. Strict confidentiality is guaranteed, even cases of illegal employment or overstaying.

○Consultation is free. The secret is observed strictly.
○The counselor is a Civil Liberties Commissioner who has lawyer qualification.
○An English interpreter is available.

Time: Every 2nd Wednesday (Closed on holidays), 1:00〜4:00p.m.
Place: KOKUSAI HIROBA(3rd floor), ACROS fukuoka
(1-1 Tenjin 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka-shi)

If you speak Japanese or can come with an interpreter, consultation is available
at the Fukuoka Legal Affairs Bureau.

Time: Monday through Friday, 8:30〜17:15
*The counselor is a Civil Liberties Commissioner or Legal Affairs Bureau Official.

Inquiries: The Fukuoka Legal Affairs Bureau TEL:092-721-916

→Japanese information...click here

*** 経営企画課へのお問い合わせ先 ***
電話:092-935-1001(代表) FAX:092-935-2941


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〒811-2292 福岡県糟屋郡志免町志免中央1丁目1番1号 電話 092-935-1001(代表) FAX 092-935-9459